Since 1959, Umbria Verde has been a specialist in high-end knitwear, embodying a blend of craftsmanship and innovation. The company’s focus on fine and ultra-fine knitwear, combined with an unwavering pursuit of the highest quality, has become its hallmark, establishing it as a leader in the Italian knitwear industry.

Umbria Verde has a range of machines including modified English Cotton looms to achieve a product of the highest quality and exclusivity, like our 37gg. Additionally, it boasts an extensive internal range of more than 60 electronic machines (STOLL technology) covering all gauges, from gauge 1.5 to gauge 20.
As the name itself suggests, optimizing consumption and limiting environmental impact have always been fundamental themes in the company's choices. The company mostly uses self-produced energy, minimizes the use of chemicals by favoring more traditional methods, and is constantly in search of sustainable technologies. Additionally, the company implements procedures to recover and reuse part of the discarded materials to reduce raw material waste.
Umbria Verde has implemented a system called Rain Saver for collecting and reusing rainwater in the production cycle. With the Circular Water project, the company has developed a closed-loop system for cooling machinery, which has drastically reduced water consumption.

Via Amilcare Ponchielli 27
06073 Chiugiana (PG) Italy
Tel: +39 075 517 15 11