
Pattern sponsor of the art exhibition “Go Goals Together”

May 20, 2021
Pattern is once again demonstrating its devotion to social and environmental sustainability by promoting the Go Goals Together initiative undertaken by the artist Sabrina Rocca.

From May 27 to July 17, will be set up at the ONU campus in Turin, the art exhibition entitled Go Goals Together. The event aims to raise awareness of the project "The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" undertaken by the United Nations, which has set 17 goals of various topics, for sustainable development.

The artist's paintings depict various human figures who tell the story of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in an impactful but also lively vision. Rocca wants to make her mark by "transporting" people on the streets of the world to explore social and ethnic diversity.

Pattern chooses an initiative aligned with the company's mission, thus emphasizing its adherence to the United Nations project and the ongoing commitment to 4 elected SDGs. For Pattern, it is important to support in a big way, but also in a small way, all the activities that lead to indispensable revolutions for the future.