Pattern among the speakers of Fashion For Future event
The Future for Fashion event, in its third edition and promoted in Florence by Centro di Firenze per la moda italiana and Confindustria Toscana Centro e Costa (Confindustria Firenze), underscored the imperative of implementing a strategic approach to support the fabric of SMEs for the future of the Fashion and Luxury sector.
Luca Sburlati, alongside Flavio Sciuccati, Partner at The European House Ambrosetti and Global Fashion Unit Director, as well as Luisa Benigno from the GGDB-Sirio Shoe Factory, deliberated on the future of Italian manufacturing and its pivotal role in the context of the Made in Italy paradigm during the panel, moderated by Maria Silvia Sacchi, TPF-The Platform.
#fashion #technology #MadeinItaly